GitHub Repository creation + Adding files through Git Bash Terminal

Hello everyone, I'am going to show you how to create a basic GitHub Repository and add your files to the created Repository using the Git Bash terminal. First you must create an account at the GitHub website.Once you have created the account in the left you will see the repository section.Now Click on the button called new in that section.This will take you to the repository creation page. Now simply enter any name you want and choose the type(public or private) and click on Create repository button.If you go to the homepage now you will see the newly created repository in the repository section.Okay,now that we have created a repository lets see how we can add files to it. First you need to download and install Git Bash.( you have installed it open the Git Bash terminal using the start menu.Now there are a few commands you need to input into the terminal.So now I will show you step by step the commands you have to input. First what yo...